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Allotment Growing in April


This guide will help you decide what the best options for growing are available in the month of April on your Dublin Allotment or garden.
Flowers for sowing in a Greenhouse or Under Glass – what is best for April.

Note – Not all Aprils are the same! Frost is the enemy of your seeds and you always need ensure that the last frost has passed before starting your April growing.

Getty White (or Lilly of the Nile) is a sparkling plant that has dense clusters of white flowers that are dazzling against a green background.

Agastache Aurantiaca (or Jewel of the Sierra Madre) are an beautiful perennial with bright, peachy/apricot flowers that are quick growing and flower from seed in the first year!

Sunflowers are always a favourit and April is the month to sow them in pots in greenhouses or even directly in well composted soil.

Agastache (or Golden Jubilee) is a truly beautiful plant if you are looking for colours that stand out. It flowers a bright leaves and has a bright purple flower that is a magnet to bees and butterflies due to its rich source of nectar.

Nasturtiums, Petunia, Scabiosa and Marigolds are all Irish timeless favourites that are ideal for sowing in April. Choose your favourites, everyone has their own!
Hot tips for sowing in soil!

Calendula is a great choice to sow in a vegetable garden because they attracting the right insects and even provide edible flowers!
Wildflower mixes are an ideal choice for easy growth – they tend to grow great ranges of colourful blooms that make a statement.

Vegetables to sow in a Greenhouse or Under Glass – what is best for April:

Aubergine, basil, celery, celeriac, courgette, cucumbers, gherkins, lettuce, runner beans and french beans, strawberry sweet pepper, tomatoes

Irish Favourite Herbs to Grow in April:

Rosemary, sage, thyme and lemon balm, chives, coriander, dill and parsley.
direct sow outdoors seed packet Direct sow outdoors
Beetroot, broad beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, Chicory, Carrots, leeks, parsnip, peas, radish, spinach,swede, watercress,

Whatever you choose to grow, BeechHill Allotments provides the perfect spot with rich soil and everything you would expect from a top class Dublin Allotment.



BeechHill Allotments For All You Need

Dublin Allotments for all you need. If you want a perfect retreat with great soil, no water restrictions, views of the sea and mountains with tranquil settings and a welcoming community - you need an Allotment at BeechHill Allotments. 

BeechHill Allotments - a place to go... & grow!

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