Dublin Allotment for January?
...Think BeechHill Allotments!
Situated on the Dublin/Wicklow Borderjust 10 mins from the M50
Dublin Allotment January
Dublin Allotment January growing a is better time than you would think! Here is just some suggestions:
Broad beans (also Fava bean) Plant in garden. Harvest from May
Bulb onions (under glass)
Cabbage Start undercover in seed trays and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Harvest from April
Carrot Plant in garden. Harvest from May
Garlic Plant in garden. Harvest from June
Jerusalem Artichokes (also Sunchoke) Plant in garden. Harvest from June
Peas Plant in garden. Harvest from April
Radish Plant in garden. Harvest from March
Rhubarb (Force)
Seed Potatoes
Alfalfa Sprouting Seeds
Sweet and nutritious
Sweet shoots with a pea-like taste. Nutritious sprouting seeds. Ready to eat in just one week.
Wash required seed in cold water. Drain thoroughly and soak overnight in tepid water. Drain and place seeds in a clean glass jar. Sprouted volume will increase x 4. Cover the top with muslin or a piece of clean loosely woven cloth. Fill the jar with water to rinse seed and then drain. Place in an airing cupboard at around 13º-21ºC (55º-70ºF). Rinse twice daily. When seeds germinate, move to a well lit position out of direct sunlight a couple of days prior to harvesting, rinsing daily. Harvest when shoots are 2.5-5cm (1-2″) long.
Aubergine Seeds – Black Beauty
An early maturing aubergine
Black Beauty is an excellent quality aubergine producing sturdy plants and an abundant crop of large, tasty, purple-black, pear-shaped fruit. Height approximately 120cm (4′).
This semi-tropical plant is best grown under glass. Sow January-March under glass at 15-20ºC (60-68ºF), limit number of fruits per plant to 3 or 4.
Aubergine Seeds – F1 Pinstripe
HEALTH BENEFITS: Contains vitamins E and K. CULINARY TIPS: Very tasty fried (prepare by slicing, salting, rinsing and flouring), stuffed and in Moussaka.
Ideal for pots or raised beds, this dwarf, compact aubergine produces an abundance of delicious purple, cream-striped fruit, each weighing 80-100g. Patio variety.
Tom says: A beautiful plant for the patio. The silvery-green foliage looks stunning when dripping with pale striped purple fruit. The aubergines are ideal to be picked small but equally can be left to mature as full size fruit.
Broad Bean
Ideal for exposed gardens
Can be sown November-February under cloches to produce a very early crop.
Recommended for small gardens. Sown as instructed, a packet of seed is sufficient for a single row of approximately 8.3m (27′). Dwarf variety. White seeded variety.Great beginner variety.
Recommended for freezing. HEALTH BENEFITS: A source of vitamins A, C and E, plus protein and fibre. CULINARY TIPS: Cook pinched-out tips as a tasty alternative to spinach.
Purple Broccoli
A versatile broccoli for summer/autumn production, producing a reliable harvest of tender, fine-flavoured purple shoots over a long period.
Delicious healthy shoots to be picked frequently over a long period. HEALTH BENEFITS: High in vitamins A and C and a good source of iron. CULINARY TIPS: A growing body of research suggests that Broccoli may offer some protection against certain cancers. Best steamed not boiled and use within hours of harvesting.
Popular, tasty, reliable cabbage
Quick maturing Cabbage is ideal for close spacing.
Sow October under glass for transplanting January under frames. Spring/Autumn maturing.
HEALTH BENEFITS: A good source of vitamins A and C. CULINARY TIPS: Use all the healthy outer, darker green leaves, as they contain most nutrients.Suitable for early sowing under cloches.
Look for an early variety – these can be sown early under glass or in succession outdoors either in a container or direct in the ground.
HEALTH BENEFITS: Very high in vitamin A. A good choice to get kids eating veg and a favourite in Ireland!
Early cauliflower is a great choice as it can grow at close spacing for a quick crop of delicious mini heads or at wider spacing for more conventionally sized curds.
Early leeks will have long, thick, pure white stems of mild flavour.They are great sown in January under glass.
Early Onions are perfect to sow in January under glass at 18-21°C. To ensure perfect colour, shape and finish ensure to put under glass in their early phases.
Use this valuable time to plan for next years harvest by browsing the available seeds and see what is best suited to your needs and what you’d like to see grow at BeechHill Allotments – Simple!

BeechHill Allotments For All You Need
Dublin Allotments for all you need. If you want a perfect retreat with great soil, no water restrictions, views of the sea and mountains with tranquil settings and a welcoming community - you need an Allotment at BeechHill Allotments.